Mental awareness workshops, mental health and anger management program were areas we focused on during September 2019.  Children/ teenagers at the homes needed that platform where their voices were be heard. The mental awareness workshops educated children/ teenagers on habits and behaviors that increased the risk of developing or exacerbating mental illnesses, or mental health problems. These included such diverse risk factors such as recreational drug use, internet/gaming addiction, excessive spending, disordered eating and depression, frustration and stress. The intent behind this mental awareness theme was to raise awareness of the risks that these types of behaviors presented—especially to young people—to help individuals detect these early warning signs, and to provide resources for prevention and early intervention.

Back to School Drive – Rationale

Gift For Life Foundation  is extremely passionate about education. We believe that education can open life up to a child, create possibilities, hope and change. Give the Gift of Education by providing all the essentials for children from Children’s Homes & Poor Communities to get the best possible education.

How could we not love this gift? It’s what we all hope for every child, a nurtured young mind and a wide – open future.

Education has the power to feed young minds, inspire dreams and imaginations and stimulate the desire and know how to change the world. Put books and Back to Schools Items in the hands of boys and girls and help them turn the page to a better future for themselves and their communities.

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