Great Experience of the AIR TOWER ..itself…fascinating!

On Sun 10th March 2013 , The Gift For Life Foundation arranged an Educational Tour of the Air Traffic Control Centre at Piarco for the boys at Marion’s Boys’ Home , Port of Spain.The boys’  ages ranged from 14yrs to 21 yrs. This was facilitated through the kindness of the authorities there, the main organiser being a very kind  senior employee  at the Aviation Centre.

First hand experience Here!…..quite overwhelming!


The tour lasted from 1 pm – 5 pm with a detailed and very interesting tour of every room in the building including the Tower itself. The boys were  treated in a  very special  way by employees and were  made to feel at at home. They were so intrigued with the operations and huge responsibility of employees  that they started to enquire about the possibility of choosing that field as a career.

WOW! boy said “I be able to guide Airplanes from here..great…I want to work hard and be here!”

Many of the other boys were attracted by the huge salary and hence wanted to work at Air Traffic Control Centre later. They asked about the qualifications needed and the cost of study. The Gift For Life Foundation promised to assist the serious boys with school fees to pursue this career.  They asked  other very interesting  questions and were treated with kindness and respect.

The Gift For Life Foundation expresses heartfelt gratitude to the Air Traffic Control Centre and  all those kind individuals / employees  especially the senior employee who went beyond the call of duty to arrange this tour on a Sunday. He also  sponsored dinner for the Home after the Tour.  Special Thanks.

After an interesting evening …out of this world!




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